B12 Injection Instructions: The Ultimate Guide

B12 Injections Guide

B12 Injection Instructions: The Ultimate Guide

B12 Injection Instructions: The Ultimate Guide

As vitamin and mineral injections have grown in popularity, many people prefer to inject themselves as opposed to go to a doctor. Even so, if you’ve never done it before, it can seem like a daunting task.

Let’s take a look at some of the common questions associated with vitamin b12 injections and review how to give a b12 shot.

Why are Injections Best?

Unlike other forms of oral supplements, vitamin injections go straight to work. Oral supplements must be digested and absorbed by the body, and in order to survive the process, they often contain unnecessary ingredients. Not only are these ingredients absent in nutritional value, many could be potentially harmful.

And once the body absorbs the ingredients, much of the potency is gone. This means you must ingest more in order to fully reap the benefits, but risk more exposure to potentially harmful byproducts.

Injections, on the other hand, go to work immediately and contain only the ingredients you want and need. Because they do not have to endure digestion, there is no need for any additives.

Why Do I Need B12?

B12 is a popular injectable choice, due to the importance of B12. While B12 is found in many meat and dairy products, as we age we absorb less from our diet alone. Adequate levels of B12 must be maintained in order to keep our bodies functioning in top shape.

Vitamin B12 increases metabolism and helps the body better absorb the nutrients it needs through increasing digestive functioning. B12 deficiency can cause anemia and depression. It also contributes to disrupted sleep patterns and increases stress levels. So, not only does B12 help you lose weight by improving your metabolism, it also improves your health.

Injection Preparation

Now that we’ve reviewed why injections are preferred and the importance of B12, let’s discuss preparation.

First, you’ll need to make sure all your equipment is sterile and that you have an understanding of how to use the syringe. A syringe is comprised of a barrel, plunger and needle. The vitamin will be located in the barrel, while the plunger pushes vitamins into the skin through the needle.

You’ll then need to ensure that your environment is sterile. Wash your hands in warm water with soap and wear gloves. Also, be sure to clean the injection site with alcohol prior to delivery of the injection.

Injection Location

After you’ve consulted your doctor to determine your vitamin B12 injection dose, you’ll need to determine an injection location.

You can choose to deliver the injection in your thigh, hip, buttocks or shoulder. If the thigh is preferred, the middle of the thigh is the most ideal. If the hip or buttocks is preferred, the upper right or left quadrant is best. If the shoulder is preferred, try the top of the arm, around or near the deltoid muscle.

Injection Instructions

Once the injection site is cleaned and the tools are in place, you’ll need to know how to inject B12. Here are the vitamin B12 injection instructions you’ll need to follow.

  • Withdraw Solution from Bottle: You will need to invert the bottle in order to remove the B12 solution and then insert the needle and pull back on the plunger until the desired amount of solution is in the barrel.
  • Secure Skin Around Injection Site: This should be done with the hand not being used for the injection. The purpose of this is to ensure tightness and proper control of the injection site.
  • Inject Solution at 90 Degree Angle: The angle will aid in delivery.
  • Fully Inject Solution into Muscle: Once the needle has pierced the skin, empty the contents of the barrel into the muscle.
  • Withdraw Needle: The needle should be withdrawn at the same angle (90 degree) in which it was inserted.
  • Apply Pressure: Once the needle is withdrawn, there may be a little bleeding at the injection site. This is similar to when any shot is given or blood is drawn. Simply dab with a cotton ball and/or cover the area with a Band-Aid.

Remember to dispose of your needles properly afterward. Since you can’t simply toss the needle in the trash, you can invest in a container for hazardous materials or use a plastic container of some sort, like a milk jug, that you can seal and close after each disposal. The container needs to be sturdy enough to withstand needle punctures.

When done correctly, the injection process is quick and painless. So, don’t be afraid! If you have additional questions about how to inject B12, talk to a doctor.

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